Docker Command summary

on Docker containers, commands and architecture

Main steps of Docker:

- docker client
- docker daemon
- docker hub (or registry)

step by step from the command:
docker run hello-world
1) docker client checked if there is a dockerfile locally
2) without seeing any local file, he contacts docker daemon
3) docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from DockerHub repository.
4) docker daemon created a new container from that image
5) docker daemon streamed that output to the docker client which send it to the terminal

1) the Dockerfile

It is the main configuration file used to create a docker image;

It will be interpreted by the command "Docker Build" to create an image, by reading and interpreting each command.

It is important to understand that each line is considered a specific "Layer" by Docker and run independantly.
To save space while building the image, it is worth concatenating diferent commands on the same line. (for exemple te remove temporary files).

2) Docker build

Build an image from a dockerfile and a context

3) ajouter une registry locale

(dans insecure registry)
docker login
